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Author: C. Jotin Khisty & B. Kent Lall (Author)
Model: 32010325
Kode Buku : 32-01-032-5
Pengarang : C. Jotin Khisty & B. Kent Lall
Tahun ..
Rp169,050 Rp245,000
Author: C. Jotin Khisty & B. Kent Lall (Author)
Model: 9797415635
Kode Buku : 51-38-050-0
Pengarang : C. Jotin Khisty & B. Kent Lall
Tahun  ..
Rp210,450 Rp305,000
Author: Hardjono Sastrohamidjojo (Author)
Model: 9789794208175
SinopsisBuku ini dapat digunakan/diperuntukan bagi mahasiswa strata-satu, dua maupun tiga (S-1, S-2 dan S-3) di bidang kimia FMIPA dan FPMIPA, Farmasi, Teknik Kimia, Agro, Kedokteran maupun bidang penelitian dan D-3 Analisis Kimia. Sekali lagi, menulis buku bagi penulis karena adanya rasa ..
Rp37,260 Rp54,000
1 review(s)
Author: Prof. DR. Andreas Lako (Author)
Model: 9789790990807
Kode Buku : 0076570050
Tahun ..
Rp70,380 Rp102,000
Author: Jack C. & McCormac (Author)
Model: 9797811484
Kode Buku : 32-00-120-9
Pengarang : Jack C. & McCormac
Tahun &nbs..
Rp184,230 Rp267,000
Author: M. Alwi Suparman (Author)
Model: 9786022980117
Kode Buku : 0076070020
Rp149,040 Rp216,000
Author: Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar (Author)
Model: 9794208035
Penerbit : UGM PressPenulis : Sharifuddin Bin Andy Omar
ISBN : &nb..
Rp83,835 Rp121,500
Author: Noriaki Iwamoto & Slamet Hartono (Editor)
Model: 9794206938
Sinopsis This book is divided into 2 parts. Part I discusses the socio-economic conditions and characteristics of the farm-household economy in the investigated area. Chapters 15 focus on the 2 hamlest located in the flat paddy area and describe in detail the analyses of factor marke..
Rp71,415 Rp103,500
Author: Muhammad Baiquni, Janianton Damanik & Erda Rindrasih (Author
Model: 9794208213
Sinopsis This book cover several articles based on library research and field research of case study about the link between ecotourism activities and issues of climate change in many destinations. This book is very important as reference for policy makers, practitioners, researcher, ..
Rp61,065 Rp88,500
1 review(s)
Author: Eddy Santosa (Author)
Model: 9794206776
Sinopsis This book covers the topics of botany, agronomy and genetic diversity of three edible amporphopallus species in Indonesia, A. paeoniifolius, A. mulleri and A. variabilis, as well as the contribution of amorphopallus cultivation to Indonesia rural societyPenulis ..
Rp20,010 Rp29,000
Author: Akmal (Author)
Model: 9789790753839
Kode Buku : 0076570010
Pengarang : AKMAL
Tahun ..
Rp64,170 Rp93,000
Author: Afifah Harisah, Sudaryono Sastrosasmito & Adi Utomo
Model: 9794206474
Sinopsis Buku yang penuh dengan foto-foto bangunan indah berarsitektur elektik ini juga dilengkapi pemaparan pemikiran dua puluh dua elkeltikos dalam bidang arsitektur dari abad ke-15 sampai abad ke-20 M, baik yang ada di eropa maupun di Amerika Serikat.Penulis &n..
Rp75,900 Rp110,000
Author: Moch. Doddy Ariefianto (Author)
Model: 9789790998872
Kode Buku : 0073300140
Pengarang : Moch. Doddy Ariefianto
Tahun ..
Rp99,360 Rp144,000
1 review(s)
Author: Prof. Ahmad Erani Yustika, Dkk (Author
Model: 9786022413592
Kode Buku : 0073330010
Pengarang : Prof. Dr. Ahmad Erani Yustika (Univ. Brawijaya)
Tahun &n..
Rp149,730 Rp217,000
2 review(s)
Author: Lawrence H. & Van Vlack (Author)
Model: 9797410897
Kode Buku : 36-01-025-5
Pengarang : Lawrence H. & Van Vlack
Tahun  ..
Rp220,800 Rp320,000